You Can Get Here from There
We are committed to your family's convenience, providing a range of transportation options that offer smooth and reliable journeys to and from school, so every day can be a new adventure.
Oak Knoll Families Travel
Oak Knoll proudly serves families from over 68 nearby communities, including Summit, Chatham, Madison, Basking Ridge, Maplewood, and Morristown. Our range of transportation options ensures a convenient and smooth daily commute for all our students.
Each year, families will need to complete an Application for Private School Transportation B6T, and Oak Knoll will submit your form(s) to your local school district's board of education. If your board of education provides transportation to resident students, you are entitled to receive either an in-lieu-of payment toward the transportation cost incurred to attend Oak Knoll School or to be transported. Submission of the form is required to receive the in-lieu-of payment. The form will also ensure that you will receive a bus pass if your board of education provides transportation. Please be aware that there are eligibility requirements (miles between your residence and the school) to receive either an in-lieu-of payment or transportation.
Whether you need guidance on available options or support in helping your family figure out the best route to Oak Knoll, we’re ready to help.
Contact Cheryl Wilkinson at or 908-522-8186.