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  • Spiritual Life
Oak Knoll Remembers First-Ever Mass on Campus
Meghan Hodgin

Before the start of a special anniversary Mass on the Oak Knoll campus on July 31, 2024, Head of School Jennifer G. Landis said to those assembled, “Today, as we gather to celebrate a momentous occasion in the history of Oak Knoll School, exactly 100 years ago on this day, July 31, 1924, members of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus who founded our school celebrated the first Mass on this very campus.”

Among those attending the 1924 Mass were just over a dozen members of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, including Mother Mary Joseph Dalton, then Provincial Superior of the Society in America, who was integral to purchasing the campus property. Another important member of the Society present was Mother Mary Gonzaga, who would soon become Oak Knoll’s first prefect or principal.

“As we celebrate this Mass, let us carry forward the spirit of unity and faith that has defined our school for the past century. May we continue to build on this strong foundation guided by the same unwavering faith as we look forward to the next 100 years,” said Landis.

Oak Knoll is on the verge of entering its 100th year as an educational institution. Just as the Sisters gathered to pray and prepare for their first school year, a contingent of faculty, staff, and administrators gathered this year to pray and celebrate the coming centennial school year.

Monsignor John J. Carroll led the Mass with special assistance from Father Michael Ward ’76, an Oak Knoll Lower School graduate. In his remarks during Mass, Msgr. Carroll highlighted the school’s ever-present connection to the Society of the Holy Child Jesus and the excellent work done over the last century, infusing a forward-thinking and top-notch education with steadfast and unchanging Holy Child values.

“We wouldn’t be doing this work at Oak Knoll if we didn’t have a connection with Jesus,” said Carroll. “It’s our attachment to Jesus that keeps us going, keeps us coming, and keeps us doing all that we do here for this great institution and our students. When you think about the inspiration behind the founding of this school, it was all divine.”

Following the Mass, attendees gathered on the Grace Hall porch for an informal reception. 

  • oak knoll 100
  • spiritual life