August 2023

Dear Oak Knoll School Community,

When you’re a child, summer feels endless. The minutes are longer, the sun is warmer, and the ice cream just tastes better. As adults, summer sits in an odd space of being both too short and too long. The ice cream still tastes good, but we’re eating it while desperately trying to cram in lifelong family memories to ensure our kids have something meaningful to say when their new teacher asks them to write a reflection on what they did over the summer. In case any teacher happens to ask me, my family took a memorable family trip to Alaska and had the opportunity to see some blockbuster movies.

While several pivotal weeks are still left to summer, we are inevitably busy preparing for your return to campus for the 2023-24 school year. This edition of On the Knoll contains essential information, dates, and reminders that families should be sure to read over the next couple of weeks. When you study the welcome-back letters from the division heads or complete the necessary Magnus Health forms required for the start of school, I ask that you also recall our shared mission and vision.

As a school, we prioritize academic excellence alongside faith formation, character-building, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and creativity. We encourage our students to discover their passions, strengths, and values. Our mission goes beyond simply teaching academic subjects; it is about an intentionally designed program of excellence that inspires young people to live by faith, learn by doing, and lead by example. And, as we head into the second year of our strategic plan which is intentionally focused on the people, program and place of Oak Knoll, we do so in a way that is Rooted in Purpose, with an enduring philosophy that guides every aspect of our educational approach.

Looking ahead to the new school year, we look forward to welcoming new faces and the warm reunion of friends. Together, we work toward our shared mission to empower students to cultivate their faith, embrace challenges with curiosity and strength, and develop a global sense of responsibility to significantly impact the world.





Jennifer G. Landis
Head of School

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