12 Oak Knoll Students Earn National Latin Exam Certificates of Excellence

Pictured are Oak Knoll’s National Latin Exam awardees. Not pictured: Lilly Venezia ’25 and Ana Rizvi ’26

In March, Latin students from across the United States participated in the National Latin Exam, an esteemed assessment that evaluates students’ mastery of the Latin language, grammar, history, literature, and culture. The exam is structured at various levels, enabling students at different stages of their Latin education to challenge themselves and gauge their proficiency against peers nationwide. This year, a number of dedicated Latin scholars at Oak Knoll School chose to take the exam, sacrificing some of their free time to participate.

We are incredibly proud to announce that twelve of our students were awarded certificates of commendation for their outstanding performances. On May 10, 2024, these students were acknowledged for their achievements and received their awards. The following students earned commendations:

  • Therese Ohene-Ologo ’27: Cum Laude certificate in Beginning Latin
  • Keira McGowan ’26: Cum Laude certificate in Intermediate Latin
  • Maddie Sherry ’26: Cum Laude certificate in Intermediate Latin
  • Emma Walters ’26: Cum Laude certificate in Intermediate Latin
  • Lilly Venezia ’25: Cum Laude certificate in Intermediate Reading Comprehension
  • Vittoria Gentile ’27: Bronze Magna Cum Laude certificate in Beginning Latin
  • Oceana Li ’27: Silver Maxima Cum Laude certificate and medal in Beginning Latin
  • Gianna Mazzoni ’27: Silver Maxima Cum Laude certificate and medal in Beginning Latin
  • Ana Rizvi ’26: Silver Maxima Cum Laude certificate and medal in Intermediate Latin
  • Kaitlin Wincko ’26: Silver Maxima Cum Laude certificate and medal in Intermediate Latin
  • Abigail Han ’26: Gold Summa Cum Laude certificate and medal in Beginning Latin
  • Reagan Moore ’27: Gold Summa Cum Laude certificate and medal in Beginning Latin

Medusa Mythology Exam Magna Cum Laude awardee Therese Ohene-Ologo ’27, right, with Rebecca Mull, World Language Teacher.

Additionally, for the first time in Oak Knoll’s history, one student, Therese Ohene-Ologo, prepared for and undertook the prestigious Medusa Mythology Exam. This exam tests knowledge of characters, content, and themes in Greco-Roman mythology and is administered to over 3,000 students in 100 schools nationally and internationally each year. Therese’s hard work paid off as she earned a Magna Cum Laude award on this challenging test.

Congratulations to all our distinguished Oak Knoll scholars for their dedication and exceptional achievements!