Loud and Proud: Student Council Leaders Inducted 

Photo of student council members“Loud and Proud” is the Student Council theme for the year, and 20 elected members shared what that phrase meant to them in the Student Council Induction Ceremony on Wednesday. They each took the council pledge and approached the podium to enthuse their classmates about their jurisdictions — from class presidents to social council, from creative arts to campus ministry, these leaders set the tone for an exciting year ahead.

Student Council Secretary Elise Wojie ’24 opened the assembly and said, “Let us pray that they may serve to the best of their ability, providing Christian leadership, modeling respect and reverence for all individuals, and demonstrating by their example all that we hold to be true as members of this community.”

“School is cool. What if each of us in this room believed in this simple proverb? If we all got up every morning, content with the school day ahead, bringing not just attendance but unadulterated curiosity and engagement to every class? This is my goal as this year’s Academic Council President,” said Eve Carbeau ’24.

Additional comments included:

We look forward to learning from the examples set by the upperclassmen and making a loud and meaningful contribution to the upper school. — Kelsey McGowan ’29 (Grade 7 Class President)

Loud and pride means being yourself and not letting others judge you. As we continue through the school year, I hope everyone can embrace themselves and show pride in our school with energy and enthusiasm in our everyday lives. — Victoria Spagnoli ’28 (Grade 8 Vice President)

I find this year’s theme particularly exceptional because it will be the perfect mantra to follow while we restore our academic, athletic, artistic, and social endeavors to their former glory after the challenges of the past few years. — Lucy Duttenhofer ’24 (Grade 12 Class President)

Why do we constantly feel hesitant to share our ideas? This is the mindset I will work relentlessly to change. I aim to make Oak Knoll a safer environment where new ideas can be voiced confidently. — Jocelyn Monti ’24 (Social Council President)

Loud and proud means being each other’s biggest cheerleaders at the big game and being there for one another after the tough losses. — Abigail Flood ’24 (Athletic Council President)


Student Council President: Maxwell Aranowitz ’24
Academic Council President: Eve Carbeau ’24
Athletic Council President: Abigail Flood ’24
Campus Ministry Council President: Katherine Failla ’24
Creative Arts Council President: Christina Nestor ’24
Social Council President: Jocelyn Monti ’24
Student Council Secretary: Elise Wojie ’24
Peer Leader Head Coordinator: Maren Hux ’24 

President: Lucy Duttenhofer ’24
Vice President: Carson Didden ’24

President: Audrey Cicchino ’25
Vice President: Caitlin Canal ’25

President: Maris McGinty ’26
Vice President: CeCe Honeker ’26

President: Caroline Burr ’27
Vice President: Jayde Amico ’27

President: Orla Marchesi ’28
Vice President: Victoria Spagnoli ’28

President: Kelsey McGowan ’29
Vice President: Brigid Flynn ’29

Congratulations to these loud and proud leaders in the Upper School.

young students stuffing hygiene bags