Parents’ Association Showers Newborns and Mothers with Gifts

On May 17, 2023, Oak Knoll volunteers met at Mulcahy Hall on the Oak Knoll campus for a heartwarming “baby shower” service project. Attendees assembled layettes  — complete gift bags containing clothing, supplies, and helpful accessories for a newborn infants — for the benefit of Birth Haven, an independent, nonsectarian, non-profit organization that provides shelter, support and education for homeless and/or pregnant women and girls throughout the tri-state area regardless of race, ethnicity, religious belief, or life circumstance.

In addition to the layettes, volunteers put together care packages for new moms as well. Each gift included a robe, cozy gripper slippers, body lotion and either a book on motherhood or an inspirational stainless cup to help her stay hydrated. There was a special handwritten note included in each box sharing words of encouragement and strength for the new moms as they begin their new journey. 

“We chose Birth Haven as our last service project of the year because we felt they aligned so well with the mission and values of Oak Knoll,” said Diana Moran, one of Oak Knoll’s Parents’ Association Service Coordinators. “Hosting the event near Mother’s Day seemed like the perfect time to celebrate not only our motherhood, but the motherhood of these young women at Birth Haven.”

Participants had the option of meeting with their daughters prior to the packing event for a special early morning Mass in Grace Hall Chapel. Following the Mass, students departed for class while mothers and special friends joined others for a morning of friendship and service celebrating the blessing of motherhood.

In total, the project supplied 20 layettes and 20 mom care kits to Birth Haven, with an abundance of additional goods and gift cards that can be used in the future. 

Previous Parents’ Association service projects throughout this past school year included volunteering at the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, providing monthly lunches to the Dominican Sisters in Summit, and making sandwiches for Bridges Outreach.