Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Gaining Real-World Experiences

Kozar on her capstone at Oak Knoll
During the month of May, seniors participate in the Senior Capstone Project, completing their high school experience. The Senior Capstone Project allows each senior to independently explore an area of interest, whether it is academic, creative, career, or service-oriented. Seniors are challenged to demonstrate their passion for discovery beyond the limits of the curriculum. As part of Oak Knoll’s endeavor to promote the growth of the whole child, the Senior Capstone Project helps to further the development of mature students capable of making and acting upon responsible choices, which enrich their lives and contribute to the lives of others. By engaging in a meaningful “capstone” to their education at Oak Knoll, seniors set reasonable goals, manage time wisely, act responsibly, and demonstrate initiative, which are all key skills necessary for success in future educational endeavors and beyond.

Capstone News

The Capstone Project: Seniors Hone Their Passions Prior to Graduation

During the month of May, as the final “cap” to their high school experience, seniors independently explore different areas of interest — whether it is academic, creative, career, or service-oriented, they are challenged to demonstrate their passion for discovery beyond the limits of the curriculum. On June 7, 2023, following their month-long independent studies, members of the graduating class gathered to present their capstone reflections to an audience of faculty, staff, and members of the junior class.

Are You Ready to Make a Difference?
The Big Give Is May 21-22, 2024

Oak Knoll’s Big Give days of giving have begun! The Big Give is special because it’s not just a fundraising initiative; it’s an opportunity for our entire community to come together, celebrate each other, and make a meaningful impact that strengthens Oak Knoll. Whether you have been a member of the Oak Knoll community for one year or generations, you know that Oak Knoll is a special place. Let’s come together to celebrate the Spirit of Oak Knoll! Donate now to make an immediate impact.