Global Network

Oak Knoll was founded in 1924 and is one of nine schools in the Holy Child Network of Schools that provides independent Catholic education across the United States.

The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus have schools in England, Ireland, France, Nigeria, and Ghana. All Holy Child schools operate under the American Province Society of the Holy Child Jesus, based in Rosemont, Pennsylvania. Oak Knoll shares the goals of the Schools of the Holy Child Jesus.

Holy Child Schools Across the Globe

Holy Child Goals

Grounded in our 175-year heritage and influenced by the unique challenge of educating children for the 21st century, our Goals heed Cornelia Connelly’s admonition to provide an education which “meets the wants of the age.”

The following Goals have been developed collaboratively by Holy Child educators. They are principles by which we teach children and, in doing so, perpetuate our tradition.

The trustees, administrators, faculty and staff commit themselves to educate by these principles and to lead our students to embrace these values for themselves.

Goal 1

Holy Child Schools foster a faith commitment that leads to a joyous personal relationship with God in addressing the realities of the world.

Goal 2

Holy Child Schools live, learn and worship as a dynamic Catholic community.

Goal 3

Holy Child Schools offer an intellectually challenging, innovative, and creative program of study that develops academic excellence, encourages curiosity, and instills the joy of learning.

Goal 4

Holy Child Schools promote Catholic social teaching in every facet of life as we carry out our motto, “Actions Not Words.”

Goal 5

Holy Child Schools create a learning climate based on trust and reverence for the dignity and uniqueness of each person.

Goal 6

Holy Child Schools promote the personal growth and development of all who participate in the life of the School.

Goal 7

Holy Child Schools ensure the continuation and growth of Holy Child mission and philosophy in the School.

Are You Ready to Make a Difference?
The Big Give Is May 21-22, 2024

Oak Knoll’s Big Give days of giving have begun! The Big Give is special because it’s not just a fundraising initiative; it’s an opportunity for our entire community to come together, celebrate each other, and make a meaningful impact that strengthens Oak Knoll. Whether you have been a member of the Oak Knoll community for one year or generations, you know that Oak Knoll is a special place. Let’s come together to celebrate the Spirit of Oak Knoll! Donate now to make an immediate impact.